
scaffolding pre-assembled contigs after extension


All systems
curl cmd.cat/ExtendOrFormatContigs.pl.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install sspace
apt-get install sspace
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install sspace
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sspace
apt-get install sspace


scaffolding pre-assembled contigs after extension

SSAKE-based Scaffolding of Pre-Assembled Contigs after Extension (SSPACE) is a script able to extend and scaffold pre-assembled contigs using one or more mate pairs or paired-end libraries, or even a combination. SSPACE is built based on SSAKE. Code of SSAKE is changed to be able to extend and scaffold pre-assembled contigs for multiple paired reads libraries. This is the free 'basic' version of SSPACE. The non-free 'standard' version is available directly from Baseclear.