
CUDF solver integration for APT


All systems
curl cmd.cat/apt-cudf.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install apt-cudf
apt-get install apt-cudf
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install apt-cudf
dnf install apt-cudf
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apt-cudf
apt-get install apt-cudf


CUDF solver integration for APT

apt-cudf provides integration among the APT package manager and CUDF solvers, allowing APT to rely on external (CUDF-based) dependency solvers to plan package installation, upgrade, and removal. CUDF is a distribution-independent, standard format to describe dependency solving scenarios, as faced by package managers in popular package-based GNU/Linux distributions. APT is a well-known package manager for Debian-based distributions, which is able to delegate dependency solving to external solvers, by the means of the External Dependency Solving Protocol (EDSP). apt-cudf provides the glue between the EDSP protocol and CUDF solvers, enabling any installed CUDF solver to be used as an external solver for APT. Several CUDF solvers are available in Debian. They all provide the cudf-solver virtual package.

