
Audio/Video information automatic extractor/file list generator


All systems
curl cmd.cat/avinfo.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install avinfo
apt-get install avinfo
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S avinfo
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install avinfo
apt-get install avinfo


Audio/Video information automatic extractor/file list generator

AVInfo is a powerful tool for extracting practically any useful information from a collection of your multimedia files. It works with many different file formats including most popular ones as AVI, OGG, OGM, MPEG, and MKV. All the file scanning code has been implemented from scratch. AVInfo does not rely on any external libraries to do this job and has been written in pure C. Due to that it is fast and efficient. It has a built-in scripting language called A.S.S. (AVInfo Simple Script) that is used in templates which control the output of the program. It is a "must have" tool for anyone with a huge number of multimedia files on her/his hard drives.


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