
Molecular Graphics and Modelling System


All systems
curl cmd.cat/avogadro.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install avogadro
apt-get install avogadro
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install avogadro
dnf install avogadro
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install avogadro
apt-get install avogadro


Molecular Graphics and Modelling System

Avogadro is a molecular graphics and modelling system targeted at molecules and biomolecules. It can visualize properties like molecular orbitals or electrostatic potentials and features an intuitive molecular builder. Features include: * Molecular modeller with automatic force-field based geometry optimization * Molecular Mechanics including constraints and conformer searches * Visualization of molecular orbitals and general isosurfaces * Visualization of vibrations and plotting of vibrational spectra * Support for crystallographic unit cells * Input generation for the Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO quantum chemistry packages * Flexible plugin architecture and Python scripting File formats Avogadro can read include PDB, XYZ, CML, CIF, Molden, as well as Gaussian, GAMESS and MOLPRO output.


Molecular Graphics and Modelling System (debugging symbols)