
efficient Finite Element environment


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install rheolef
apt-get install rheolef
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install rheolef
dnf install freefem++
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install rheolef
apt-get install freefem++


efficient Finite Element environment

Rheolef is a computer environment that serves as a convenient laboratory for computations in applied mathematics involving finite element-like methods. It provides a set of commands and C++ algorithms and containers. Most basically, containers cover the classic graph data structure for sparse matrix formats and finite element meshes. At a higher level of abstraction, they can handle approximate finite element spaces, discrete fields. Flexible and powerful expressions are used to specify bilinear forms. Current applications include: * massively distributed memory finite element environment, based on MPI; * elasticity, Stokes and Navier-Stokes problems in 2D and 3D; * complex fluids applications: viscoplasticity, viscoelasticity, wall slip; * nonlinear problems with fixed-point, Newton and continuation methods; * high order polynomials, mixed elements and discontinuous Galerkin methods; * auto-adaptive mesh approaches; * axisymmetric problems; * multi-regions and variable coefficient problems. This package provides the rheolef commands. These support input and output in various file formats for mesh-generators and numerical data visualization systems such as paraview, and gnuplot.


Provides the binaries of the FreeFem++ FE suite

FreeFem++ is an implementation of a language dedicated to the finite element method. It enables you to solve Partial Differential Equations (PDE) easily. Problems involving PDE from several branches of physics such as fluid-structure interactions require interpolations of data on several meshes and their manipulation within one program. FreeFem++ includes a fast quadtree-based interpolation algorithm and a language for the manipulation of these data on multiple meshes. It contains also a powerful mesh generation and adaption tool integrated seamlessly in FreeFem++ called bamg. FreeFem++ is written in C++ and the FreeFem++ language is a C++ idiom allowing for a smooth learning curve. This package contains the executables of FreeFem++.