
new generation algebraic specification and programming language


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install cafeobj
apt-get install cafeobj
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install cafeobj
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cafeobj
apt-get install cafeobj


new generation algebraic specification and programming language

CafeOBJ is a most advanced formal specification language which inherits many advanced features (e.g. flexible mix-fix syntax, powerful and clear typing system with ordered sorts, parameteric modules and views for instantiating the parameters, and module expressions, etc.) from OBJ (or more exactly OBJ3) algebraic specification language. CafeOBJ is a language for writing formal (i.e. mathematical) specifications of models for wide varieties of software and systems, and verifying properties of them. CafeOBJ implements equational logic by rewriting and can be used as a powerful interactive theorem proving system. Specifiers can write proof scores also in CafeOBJ and doing proofs by executing the proof scores. CafeOBJ has state-of-art rigorous logical semantics based on institutions. The CafeOBJ cube shows the structure of the various logics underlying the combination of the various paradigms implemented by the language. Proof scores in CafeOBJ are also based on institution based rigorous semantics, and can be constructed using a complete set of proof rules.