
user-defined software stacks (UDSS) for HPC centers


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install charliecloud
apt-get install charliecloud
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install charliecloud
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install charliecloud


user-defined software stacks (UDSS) for HPC centers

Charliecloud provides user-defined software stacks (UDSS) (aka containers) for high-performance computing (HPC) centers. This "bring your own software stack" functionality addresses needs such as: software dependencies that are numerous, complex, unusual, differently configured, or simply newer/older than what the center provides; build-time requirements unavailable within the center, such as relatively unfettered internet access; validated software stacks and configuration to meet the standards of a particular field of inquiry; portability of environments between resources, including workstations and other test and development system not managed by the center; consistent environments, even archivally so, that can be easily, reliabily, and verifiably reproduced in the future; and/or usability and comprehensibility.