
computes the co-installability kernel of a deb or RPM repository


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install coinst
apt-get install coinst
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install coinst
apt-get install coinst


computes the co-installability kernel of a deb or RPM repository

This package is useful when you are interested in analyzing co-installability of packages in a large package repository. A set of packages is called co-installable if it can be extended to a set that satisfies all inter-package relations (dependencies, conflicts, etc.). This tool reduces a repository to a much smaller one, its so-called co-installability kernel, that behaves exactly the same as far as co-installability of package is concerned. This is achieved by - dropping all relations that are not relevant for this purpose - identifying all packages that behave the same. The kernel is typically orders of magnitude smaller than the original repository.