
Authentication and federation application supporting several protocols


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install simplesamlphp
apt-get install simplesamlphp
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install simplesamlphp
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install simplesamlphp
apt-get install wordpress-civicrm


Authentication and federation application supporting several protocols

simpleSAMLphp, with its support for several authentication mechanisms and federation protocols, can be used for local authentication, as a service provider or identity provider. It currently supports the following protocols: * SAML 2.0 as a Service or Identity Provider. * Shibboleth 1.3 as a Service or Identity Provider. * A-Select as a Service or Identity Provider * CAS for remote authentication * OpenID as a Provider or Consumer * WS-Federation as a Service Provider Further authentication providers can be added in form of modules. Other features are protocol bridging, eduGAIN compatibility, attribute mapping and attribute release consent.


CiviCRM plugin for WordPress

CiviCRM is web-based, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations. As a non profit committed to the public good itself, CiviCRM understands that forging and growing strong relationships with constituents is about more than collecting and tracking constituent data - it is about sustaining relationships with supporters over time. With CiviCRM's robust feature set, organizations can further their mission through contact management, fundraising, event management, member management, mass e-mail marketing, peer-to-peer campaigns, case management, and much more. This package proviced CiviCRM plugin for WordPress.


CiviCRM plugin for Drupal7

CiviCRM is web-based, Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations. As a non profit committed to the public good itself, CiviCRM understands that forging and growing strong relationships with constituents is about more than collecting and tracking constituent data - it is about sustaining relationships with supporters over time. With CiviCRM's robust feature set, organizations can further their mission through contact management, fundraising, event management, member management, mass e-mail marketing, peer-to-peer campaigns, case management, and much more. This package proviced CiviCRM plugin for Drupal7.