
389 Directory Server suite - server


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dbverify.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install 389-ds-base
apt-get install 389-ds-base
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install 389-ds-base
yum install 389-ds-base
dnf install 389-ds-base
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install 389-ds-base
apt-get install 389-ds-base


389 Directory Server suite - server

Based on the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), the 389 Directory Server is designed to manage large directories of users and resources robustly and scalably. Its key features include: * four-way multi-master replication; * great scalability; * extensive documentation; * Active Directory user and group synchronization; * secure authentication and transport; * support for LDAPv3; * graphical management console; * on-line, zero downtime update of schema, configuration, and in-tree Access Control Information.


text-based genealogy software

LifeLines is a genealogy program that runs on UNIX systems in text mode. It maintains genealogical records (persons, families, sources, events and others) in a database, and generates reports from those records. There are no practical limits on the number of records that can be stored in a LifeLines database, nor on the amounts or kinds of data that can be kept in the records. LifeLines does not contain built-in reports. Instead it provides a programming subsystem that you use to program your own reports and charts. Some standard report files are included in the lifelines-reports package. The programming subsystem also lets you query your databases and process your data in any way. LifeLines uses the terminal independent features of UNIX to provide a screen and menu based user interface. The program is able to read and write GEDCOM files, the de facto standard for genealogical data exchange.