
Check or edit configuration data with Config::Model


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dh_cme_upgrade.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install cme
apt-get install cme
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install cme
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cme
apt-get install cme


Check or edit configuration data with Config::Model

cme provides a command to check or edit configuration data with Config::Model. cme and Config::Model are quite modular: the configuration data that you can edit depend on installed packages. I.e.: - ssh client or ssh daemon config: libconfig-model-openssh-perl - approx config: libconfig-model-approx-perl - lcdproc config: libconfig-model-lcdproc-perl - popcon config: provided with libconfig-model-perl - systemd config: provided with libconfig-model-systemd-perl Some applications can be handled by cme: - Debian package files: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl - multistrap files: provided with libconfig-model-perl You can also choose a user interface: - graphical, based on Tk: libconfig-model-tkui-perl - curses based: libconfig-model-cursesui-perl - simple shell: provided with libconfig-model-perl Last but not least, you can also take a stab at maintaining configuration model with libconfig-model-itself-perl.


module for describing and editing configuration data

Config::Model is a Perl framework that enables project developers to provide an interactive configuration system for their software. It supports various frontend interfaces (graphical, curses-based or plain terminal) to users. It handles configuration files semantically rather than syntactically, meaning that developers can specify the structure and constraints of the data along with a mechanism to read and write the files. Using the structure and constraint information, Config::Model will generate interactive configuration editors that include help and data validation. It is equally simple to use graphical (via Tk) interfaces as well as curses- and ReadLine-based terminal interfaces. Config::Model also provides a facility to help configuration data upgrade that can be triggered during package upgrades. Config::Model provides configuration model and editor for: - popularity-contest - fstab (/etc/fstab) - multistrap Other configuration editors are available with other libconfig-model-*-perl packages. Depending on which suggested or recommended modules are installed, Config::Model provides several user interfaces: - shell-like interface (with any of lib-term-readlin-*-perl) - virtual file system where each config parameter is mapped to a file (with fuse package) - graphical user interface (with libconfig-model-tkui-perl)