
Distributed Memory Based Learner


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dimbl.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install dimbl
apt-get install dimbl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install dimbl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dimbl
apt-get install dimbl


Distributed Memory Based Learner

Dimbl is a wrapper around the k-nearest neighbor classifier in TiMBL, offering parallel classification on multi-CPU machines. Dimbl splits the original training set, builds separate TiMBL classifiers per training subset, and merges their nearest-neighbor sets per classified instance Dimbl's features are: * Wraps neatly around TiMBL, retaining all command line options; * Knows what to do with your multiple, duo, or quad cores; * Makes use of the OpenMP specification for parallel programming; * Can attain superlinear speed gains compared to standard TiMBL. Dimbl is a product of the ILK Research Group (Tilburg University, The Netherlands). If you do scientific research in Natural Language Processing using the Memory-Based Learning technique, Dimbl will likely be of use to you.