
Debian infrastructure and tools for localization


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dl10n-mail.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install dl10n
apt-get install dl10n
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install dl10n
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dl10n
apt-get install dl10n


Debian infrastructure and tools for localization

dl10n is the debian localization project. This package contains all the relevant infrastructure and tools. Of course, most people won't really need the server side part on their machine, but given the size of the package, there is no need for a split. This package contains the main libraries of po4a, and the following tools: - dl10n-check: dig into the source packages looking for stuff to translate - dl10n-bot: reads the translator mailing lists seeking for status update - dl10n-txt: generate textual statistic views - dl10n-html: generates the debian web pages