
Extra EMBOSS commands to handle domain classification file


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install embassy-domainatrix
apt-get install embassy-domainatrix
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install embassy-domainatrix
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install embassy-domainatrix
apt-get install embassy-domainatrix


Extra EMBOSS commands to handle domain classification file

The DOMAINATRIX programs were developed by Jon Ison and colleagues at MRC HGMP for their protein domain research. They are included as an EMBASSY package as a work in progress. Applications in the current domainatrix release are cathparse (generates DCF file from raw CATH files), domainnr (removes redundant domains from a DCF file), domainreso (removes low resolution domains from a DCF file), domainseqs (adds sequence records to a DCF file), domainsse (adds secondary structure records to a DCF file), scopparse (generates DCF file from raw SCOP files) and ssematch (searches a DCF file for secondary structure matches).