
next generation Debian package upload tool


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dput.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install dput
apt-get install dput
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install dput
dnf install dput-ng
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dput
apt-get install dput


next generation Debian package upload tool

dput-ng is a Debian package upload tool which provides an easy to use interface to Debian (like) package archive hosting facilities. It allows anyone who works with Debian packages to upload their work to a remote service, including Debian's ftp-master, mentors.debian.net, Launchpad or other package hosting facilities for Debian package maintainers. dput-ng features many enhancements over dput, such as more comprehensive checks, an easy to use plugin system, and code designed to handle the numerous archives that any Debian package hacker will interact with. dput-ng aims to be backwards compatible with dput in command-line flags, configuration files, and expected behavior. The recommended package python-paramiko is needed to upload via SSH.


Debian package upload tool

dput allows you to put one or more Debian packages into the archive. This package also includes a dcut utility which can be used to generate and / or upload a commands file for the Debian FTP archive upload queue. dput includes some tests to verify that the package is policy-compliant. It offers the possibility to run lintian before the upload. It can also run dinstall in dry-run-mode, when having used an appropriate upload method. This is very useful to see if the upload will pass dinstall sanity checks in the next run. It is intended mainly for Debian maintainers only, although it can also be useful for people maintaining local apt repositories.