
Command-line music player for MPD


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dr_symlinks.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install draai
apt-get install draai
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install draai
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install draai
apt-get install draai


Command-line music player for MPD

Draai is a wrapper around mpc, making playing music from the commandline more enjoyable. mpc is a client for MPD, the Music Player Daemon. Using draai, one can play an audiofile (ogg, mp3, whatever your MPD offers), play all files in a predefined playlist, view details on current, past and future playing songs, skip to the next song, etc. The interface is purely command-line. No fancy gui's whatsoever. Draai consists of one zsh shell script, calling mpc. Main differences with mpc: draai supports smooth fadeouts, draai can be used as an alarmclock, draai supports rescheduling a track as the upcoming track, draai offers fancy status windows. When draai starts playing the next song it informs syslog about it, including all details about the song; a "tail -F" on syslog yields a nice playlist history. Like mpc, draai comes with full zsh tabcompletion support. The author uses draai for doing DJ sets in clubs. If you, like the author, are a Unix sysadmin who likes to play music, you'll like draai. Next to draai itself, the package installs some extra utilities for dealing with audio files.