
draws customized maps, using raw USGS data files


All systems
curl cmd.cat/drawmap.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install drawmap
apt-get install drawmap


draws customized maps, using raw USGS data files

Drawmap reads data in the Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Line Graph (DLG), and Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) formats. Can also work with SDTS, NAD-83, WGS-84, GTOPO30 data. Using the data in these files, drawmap can produce various kinds of customized maps, including shaded relief maps (with or without roads, streams, place names, and so on) and topographic maps (again, with or without additional features). Outputs sun raster format, portable gray map, or pov format files. Home page: http://www.ttc-cmc.net/~fme/drawmap.html