
Device driver control utility for Linux


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install driverctl
apt-get install driverctl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install driverctl
yum install driverctl
dnf install driverctl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install driverctl


Device driver control utility for Linux

Driverctl is a tool for manipulating and inspecting the system device driver choices. Devices are normally assigned to their sole designated kernel driver by default. However in some situations it may be desirable to override that default, for example to try an older driver to work around a regression in a driver or to try an experimental alternative driver. Another common use-case is pass-through drivers and driver stubs to allow userspace to drive the device, such as in case of virtualization. driverctl integrates with udev to support overriding driver selection for both cold- and hotplugged devices from the moment of discovery, but can also change already assigned drivers, assuming they are not in use by the system. The driver overrides created by driverctl are persistent across system reboots by default.