
Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for LaTeX-beamer


All systems
curl cmd.cat/dspdfviewer.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install dspdfviewer
apt-get install dspdfviewer
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install dspdfviewer
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install dspdfviewer
brew install dspdfviewer
apt-get install dspdfviewer


Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for LaTeX-beamer

This is a specialized PDF Viewing application custom-made for the LaTeX class beamer, specifically the "show notes on second screen=right" option. To make use of this program, you will need a document created by latex-beamer, and you will need two monitors connected to your computer. They do not need to have the same resolution, not even the same aspect ratio. This program will split your PDF page in half, and display the left half (intended for the audience) on one monitor (think: a notebook's VGA output connected to your university's projector) and it will display the right half (intended for you) on the second screen. Also, on the second screen, you get page thumbnails and status information, like the time since you started the presentation and a "wall clock".