
E-Book manipulation tool and Perl libraries


All systems
curl cmd.cat/ebook.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install libebook-tools-perl
apt-get install libebook-tools-perl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libebook-tools-perl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libebook-tools-perl
apt-get install libebook-tools-perl


E-Book manipulation tool and Perl libraries

EBook-Tools contains a library and a command-line tool for unpacking, creating, correcting, and repacking electronic books. Current native unpacking support is limited to PalmDoc, EReader, IMP, and Mobipocket without DRM protection, though MS Reader (lit.) and Mobipocket DRM is supported by automatic use of ConvertLIT and MobiDeDRM if available. The metadata correction tools are quite extensive, however. For more details, see the POD information on EBook::Tools and EBook::Tools::Unpack.