
create a virtual interface from a remote Ethernet interface


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install etherpuppet
apt-get install etherpuppet
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install etherpuppet
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install etherpuppet
apt-get install etherpuppet


create a virtual interface from a remote Ethernet interface

Etherpuppet is a small program that will create a virtual interface (TUN/TAP) on one machine from the ethernet interface of another machine through a TCP connection. Everything seen by the real interface will be seen by the virtual one. Everything sent to the virtual interface will be emitted by the real one. It has been designed because one often has a small machine as their Internet gateway, and sometimes want to run some big applications that need raw access to this interface, for sniffing (Wireshark, etc.) or for crafting packets that do not survive being reassembled, translated, routed, etc.