add scrobbler, rating, play counts and other functionalities to MPD
- All systems
- Debian
apt-get install mpdcron
- Ubuntu
apt-get install mpdcron
- Kali Linux
apt-get install mpdcron
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mpdcron
- Raspbian
apt-get install mpdcron
- Dockerfile
add scrobbler, rating, play counts and other functionalities to MPD
mpdcron is a daemon that watches a Music Player Daemon instance for idle states and execs commands triggered by specific states. * Uses mpd's idle mode. * Calls hooks depending on the event. * Sets special environment variables to pass data to the hooks. * Optional support for modules via GModule. * Included modules: - notification + uses notify-send to send notifications. + can detect repeated songs. - scrobbler + uses curl to submit songs to or - stats + module saves song data to a sqlite database + supports loving, killing, rating and tagging songs, artists, albums and genres. + tracks play count of songs, artist, albums and genres. + implements a simple server protocol for remote clients to receive data.