
read metadata from digital pictures


All systems
curl cmd.cat/exifprobe.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install exifprobe
apt-get install exifprobe
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install exifprobe
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install exifprobe
apt-get install exifprobe


read metadata from digital pictures

Exifprobe reads image files produced by digital cameras (including several so-called "raw" file formats) and reports the structure of the files and the auxiliary data and metadata contained within them. In addition to TIFF, JPEG and EXIF, the program understands several formats which may contain "raw" camera data, including MRW, CIFF/CRW, JP2/JPEG2000, RAF, and X3F, as well as most TIFF-derived "raw" formats, including DNG, ORF, CR2, NEF, K25/KDC/DCR and PEF. This program is useful in forensics investigations.