
toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles


All systems
curl cmd.cat/fadecut.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install fadecut
apt-get install fadecut
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install fadecut
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install fadecut
apt-get install fadecut


toolset to rip audiostreams, cut, fade in/out and tag the resulting audiofiles

fadecut is a script to rip audio files from a livestream and to process them automatically. Beginning and ending fo the audio files will be cut and faded in/out. So logos and advertising of radio stations will be automatically removed. In streaming mode fadecut is ripping audio files using streamripper. The downloaded audio files are cutted using silence detection and then faded in and out. Subsequently, the files are encoded to either ogg or mp3 and tagged with tags (title, artist, genre and comment provided). In file mode fadecut is just processing already ripped audio files. An audio file which has already been processed is detected and will not be processed again. Not desired songs can be stored in a separate directory. This files are not processed anymore too.