
Web-based file sharing system


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install filetea
apt-get install filetea
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install filetea
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install filetea
apt-get install filetea


Web-based file sharing system

FileTea is a simple way to send files among different users. FileTea functions as a web server. Users can drag files into their web browser and a URL will be generated for each one. Those URLs can be sent to other people, who will be able to start downloading the files immediately. An HTML5 capable browser is required in order to share the files, but any HTTP client can download them, including command-line tools such as curl or wget. Files are sent through the server, but no data is stored there: FileTea is only used to route the traffic. This also means that there's no limit to the size of shared files. The service is anonymous and does not require user registration. Since it's completely web-based, it works in networks with proxies, firewalls, etc., as long as all users can reach the FileTea server.