
LilyPond sheet music text editor


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install frescobaldi
apt-get install frescobaldi
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install frescobaldi
dnf install frescobaldi
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install frescobaldi
apt-get install frescobaldi


LilyPond sheet music text editor

Frescobaldi is a LilyPond sheet music editor. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. Frescobaldi is Free Software, freely available under the GNU General Public License. Features: * Powerful text editor with syntax highlighting and automatic completion * Music view with advanced Point & Click * MIDI player to proof-listen LilyPond-generated MIDI files * MIDI capturing to enter music * Powerful Score Wizard to quickly setup a music score * Snippet Manager to store and apply text snippets, templates or scripts * Use multiple versions of LilyPond, automatically selects the correct version * Built-in LilyPond documentation browser and built-in Frescobaldi User Guide * Smart layout-control functions like coloring specific objects in the PDF * MusicXML, MIDI and ABC import * Modern user interface with configurable colors, fonts and keyboard shortcuts * Translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian, Spanish, Galician, Turkish, Polish, Brazillian Portuguese and Ukrainian. Music functions: * Transpose music * Change music from relative to absolute and vice versa * Change the language used for note names * Change the rhythm (double, halve, add/remove dots, copy, paste) etc. * Hyphenate lyrics using word-processor hyphenation dictionaries * Add spanners, dynamics, articulation easily using the Quick Insert panel * Update LilyPond syntax using convert-ly, with display of differences In order to use lyric hyphenation, please install your languages' appropriate hyphenation packages, e.g. hyphen-fr for French, hyphen-ca for Catalan, etc. Frescobaldi is designed to run on all major operating systems (Linux, macOS and MS Windows). It is named after Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643), an Italian composer of keyboard music in the late Renaissance and early Baroque period.