
Faxing tools for mgetty


All systems
curl cmd.cat/g3cat.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install mgetty-fax
apt-get install mgetty-fax
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install mgetty-fax
yum install mgetty
dnf install mgetty
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mgetty-fax
apt-get install mgetty-fax


Faxing tools for mgetty

The fax subsystem of the mgetty package. This subsystems has the enhancements that are needed to send and receive faxes with mgetty and a Class 2 faxmodem. The program 'mgetty' allows you to use a fax modem for receiving faxes and handling external logins without interfering with outgoing calls.


Smart Modem getty replacement

Mgetty is a versatile program to handle all aspects of a modem under Unix. The program 'mgetty' allows you to use a modem for handling external logins, receiving faxes and using the modem as a answering machine without interfering with outgoing calls. This package includes basic modem data capabilities. Install mgetty-fax to get the additional functionality for fax. Install mgetty-voice to get the functionality to operate voice modems. Mgetty is also configurable to select programs other than login for special connections (eg: uucico, fido or other programs) depending on the login userid. It also supports caller-id if the modem and phone line supply it, and can deny connections based on originating telephone number.