
detection and highlight of the programming language of source code


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apt-get install ruby-github-linguist
apt-get install ruby-github-linguist
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apt-get install ruby-github-linguist
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sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ruby-github-linguist
apt-get install ruby-github-linguist


detection and highlight of the programming language of source code

Language detection: ruby-github-linguist defines a list of all languages known to GitHub in a yaml file. In order for a file to be highlighted, a language and a lexer must be defined there. Syntax Highlighting: The actual syntax highlighting is handled by the Pygments wrapper, ruby-pygments.rb. It also provides a Lexer abstraction that determines which highlighter should be used on a file. Stats: The Language stats bar that you see on every repository is built by aggregating the languages of each file in that repository. The top language in the graph determines the project's primary language. Ignore vendored files: Checking other code into your git repo is a common practice. But this often inflates your project's language stats and may even cause your project to be labeled as another language. ruby-github-linguist is able to identify some of these files and directories and exclude them. Generated file detection: Not all plain text files are true source files. Generated files like minified js and compiled CoffeeScript can be detected and excluded from language stats. As an extra bonus, these files are suppressed in diffs.