
tools for maintaining Debian packages with git


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install gitpkg
apt-get install gitpkg
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install gitpkg
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gitpkg
apt-get install gitpkg


tools for maintaining Debian packages with git

This package provides tools and automation to assist with maintaining Debian packages in git. gitpkg - creates a source package from specified repository versions. git-debimport - creates a git repository from a set of existing packages. No particular repository layout is required for gitpkg to export source from it, existing repositories should require no modification. If there is a valid Debian source tree in there then gitpkg can export a package from any revision of it for you. In the Grand Old Manner these tools are intended to simplify specific parts of your existing packaging process and integrate smoothly with it, not to replace that with its own singular constraints on how you may work. Since not every packaging style suits every package, gitpkg aims to be able to work equally well with all of them by sticking to just its part of the job and staying out of your way entirely until that job needs to be done. Hook points are provided for performing additional package and user specific operations as you may desire or require at export time.