
command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install gpivtools
apt-get install gpivtools
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gpivtools
apt-get install gpivtools


command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry

A collection of programs for images that are generated during a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment. This is a technique to obtain the velocity field of a fluid flow quantitatively and is performed by tracking tracer particles that have been seeded to a fluid. The technique is also applied for observing deformations at surfaces of (solid) bodies. The package contains: * an image processing program for typical filtering and manipulation routines that may be convenient for PIV. * an image interrogation program resulting into estimators of particle image displacements. * validation programs to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients. * post-processing programs for data manipulation (flipping, rotation etc), spatial and time scaling, calculation of spatial averages and derivative quantities from the PIV data, like vorticity and strain. * miscellaneous programs and scripts to perform image format conversion, batch-processing, pipeline processing (image evaluation, validation and post-processing at once), calculation of time averages from a series of PIV data sets, data-visualization and data-manipulation. All programs start with gpiv_. This package contains all files used by gpivtools and gpivtools-mpi, like the man pages.


command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry - MPI version

A collection of programs for images that are generated during a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment. This is a technique to obtain the velocity field of a fluid flow quantitatively and is performed by tracking tracer particles that have been seeded to a fluid. The technique is also applied for observing deformations at surfaces of (solid) bodies. The package contains: * an image processing program for typical filtering and manipulation routines that may be convenient for PIV. * an image interrogation program resulting into estimators of particle image displacements. * validation programs to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients. * post-processing programs for data manipulation (flipping, rotation etc), spatial and time scaling, calculation of spatial averages and derivative quantities from the PIV data, like vorticity and strain. * miscellaneous programs and scripts to perform image format conversion, batch-processing, pipeline processing (image evaluation, validation and post-processing at once), calculation of time averages from a series of PIV data sets, data-visualization and data-manipulation. This package contains the MPI-parallelized programs for use on a (Beowulf) cluster. All programs start with gpiv_.