
integrated development environment for C and Ada


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install gnat-gps
apt-get install gnat-gps
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gnat-gps
apt-get install gnat-gps


integrated development environment for C and Ada

GNAT Programming Studio is a complete integrated development environment that gives access to a wide range of tools and integrates them smoothly. GPS gives access to built-in file editing; HTML based help system; complete compile/build/run cycle; intelligent source navigation; project management; general graph technology giving access to many different browsers such as source dependency, project dependency, call graphs, etc.; fully integrated visual debugger, based on the GVD technology, and enhanced for inclusion in GPS; generic version control system, providing access to CVS, ClearCase, and possibly others in the future; many other tools such as a visual comparison, automatic generation of files, source reformatting. GPS is fully customizable, providing several levels of customizations: a first level, available through the preferences dialog; a second level, which allows you to customize your menu items, tool bar and key bindings; a third level, which allows you to automate processing through scripts; and a fourth level, which allows any kind of very specific or tight integration, due to the open nature of GPS, and to its architecture. GPS also integrates with existing editors such as Emacs and Vi. This package also provides related command line tools: - gnatdoc extracts documentation from comments in Ada sources - gnatspark runs a spark tool according to a GNAT project - gps_cli is a command-line interface for gnat-gps