
GRAMophone II is an algorithmic music generator


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install gramophone2
apt-get install gramophone2
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install gramophone2
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gramophone2
apt-get install gramophone2


GRAMophone II is an algorithmic music generator

GRAMophone is partly based on an idea of Jon McCormack’s, who invented the idea of a virtual player (virtual musician). The player in question is associated with a MIDI track, and interprets instructions telling it what to do. Generally, they say play notes (send MIDI messages). GRAMophone’s players together make up an orchestra, which plays a composition. Any number of players can play a composition, but in practice the hardware used might impose an upper limit. In general every player plays an instrument and each has a different set of grammar rules. An individual player is characterised by a set of parameters which are shared by the whole orchestra and/or a personal parameter set.