
exchange Nethack bones files with other players


All systems
curl cmd.cat/hearse.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install hearse
apt-get install hearse
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install hearse
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hearse
apt-get install hearse


exchange Nethack bones files with other players

Nethack sometimes saves the level on which you die (including your stuff, what killed you, and your ghost) in a "bones file". These files get loaded into later Nethack games. If you're the only Nethack player on your system you'll only get bones files you created yourself. With Hearse, you can automatically exchange bones files with other Nethack players. When run it uploads any new bones files it finds on your system, then downloads any bones files the server feels like giving it. See http://www.argon.org/~roderick/hearse/ for more information. An important thing to note is that by default using Hearse will cause you to end up with more bones than you otherwise would have. This changes the game's balance and is considered by many players to be a mild form of cheating. You can address this by turning on the --delete-uploaded option, but the down side is you'll never encounter your own bones files.