
viewer and editor in hexadecimal or ASCII for files or devices


All systems
curl cmd.cat/hexedit.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install hexedit
apt-get install hexedit
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S hexedit
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install hexedit
yum install hexedit
dnf install hexedit
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hexedit
brew install hexedit
apt-get install hexedit


viewer and editor in hexadecimal or ASCII for files or devices

hexedit shows a target both in hexadecimal and in ASCII. This target can be a device or a file. You can edit the target and search through it. There are also copy&paste and save to file functions. Is allowed truncating or appending to the target. All modifications are shown in bold. hexedit is ideal to edit or inspect very large files or devices, as hard disks or its partitions, flash drives, etc. These elements will not be wholly read because hexedit loads a piece at a time. hexedit can be used by programmers in several activities. It also is useful for debugging, forensics investigations and recovering from digital disasters.