
Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial


All systems
curl cmd.cat/hgimportsvn.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install hgsvn
apt-get install hgsvn
dnf install hgsvn
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hgsvn
apt-get install hgsvn


Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial

This set of scripts allows to work locally on Subversion-managed projects using the Mercurial distributed version control system. Why use Mercurial ? You can do local (disconnected) work, pull the latest changes from the SVN server, manage private branches, submit patches to project maintainers, etc. And of course you have fast local operations like "hg log", "hg annotate"... Currenly three scripts are provided: hgimportsvn, hgpullsvn, and hgpushsvn. hgimportsvn initializes an SVN checkout which is also a Mercurial repository. hgpullsvn pulls the latest changes from the SVN repository, and updates the Mercurial repository accordingly. It can be run multiple times. hgpushsvn pushes your local Mercurial commits back to the SVN repository.