
Python high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install python-htseq
apt-get install python-htseq
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install python3-htseq
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python-htseq
apt-get install python-htseq


Python high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities

HTSeq can be used to performing a number of common analysis tasks when working with high-throughput genome sequencing reads: * Getting statistical summaries about the base-call quality scores to study the data quality. * Calculating a coverage vector and exporting it for visualization in a genome browser. * Reading in annotation data from a GFF file. * Assigning aligned reads from an RNA-Seq experiments to exons and genes. This package contains the Python 2 module.


Python3 high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities

HTSeq can be used to performing a number of common analysis tasks when working with high-throughput genome sequencing reads: * Getting statistical summaries about the base-call quality scores to study the data quality. * Calculating a coverage vector and exporting it for visualization in a genome browser. * Reading in annotation data from a GFF file. * Assigning aligned reads from an RNA-Seq experiments to exons and genes. This package contains the Python 3 module.