
Compiler for Icon, a high-level programming language


All systems
curl cmd.cat/iconc.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install iconc
apt-get install iconc
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install iconc
apt-get install iconc


Compiler for Icon, a high-level programming language

Ideal for both complex nonnumerical applications and for situations where users need quick solutions with a minimum of programming effort, Icon is a high-level, general purpose programming language with a syntax similar to Pascal and C. Its applications include: rapid prototyping, analyzing natural languages, generating computer programs, and artificial intelligence. (From the back cover of the book "The Icon Programming Language," by Griswold and Griswold.) This package contains the Icon compiler. It generates programs that generally run faster than those of the icont/iconx Icon interpreter. On the other hand, the Icon compiler takes much longer to compile programs and is more memory-hungry than the iconx/icont pair. As such, the compiler is probably only useful to speed up the execution of large Icon programs once they are fully developed and debugged.