
Programs to make file renaming easier


All systems
curl cmd.cat/icp.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install renameutils
apt-get install renameutils
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S renameutils
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install renameutils
dnf install renameutils
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install renameutils
brew install renameutils
apt-get install renameutils


Programs to make file renaming easier

The file renaming utilities (renameutils for short) are a set of programs designed to make renaming of files faster and less cumbersome. This package consists of five programs - qmv, imv, icp, qcp and deurlname: qmv ("quick move") allows file names to be edited in a text editor. The names of all files in a directory are written to a text file, which is then edited by the user. The text file is read and parsed, and the changes are applied to the files. imv ("interactive move"), is trivial but useful when you are too lazy to type (or even complete) the name of the file to rename twice. It allows a file name to be edited in the terminal using the GNU Readline library. icp and qcp are similar to imv and qmv but for copying using "cp". deurlname removes URL encoded characters (such as %20 representing space) from file names. Some programs such as w3m tend to keep those characters encoded in saved files.