
syntax tree builder and visitors generator for JavaCC


All systems
curl cmd.cat/jtb.sh
Debian Debian
apt-get install jtb
apt-get install jtb
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install jtb
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install jtb
apt-get install jtb


syntax tree builder and visitors generator for JavaCC

JTB (Java Tree Builder) is a syntax tree builder and visitors generator to be used in front of JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler). It takes a JavaCC grammar file as input (usually a ".jtb" file) and automatically generates the following: * a set of syntax tree classes based on the productions in the grammar, utilizing the Visitor design pattern; * four interfaces: IVoidVisitor, IVoidArguVisitor, IRetVisitor, IRetArguVisitor; * four depth-first visitors: DepthFirstVoidVisitor, DepthFirstVoidArguVisitor, DepthFirstRetVisitor, DepthFirstREtArguVisitor, whose default methods simply visit the children of the current node; * a JavaCC grammar ".jj" file (jtb.out.jj by default), with the proper annotations to build the syntax tree during parsing (which then must be compiled with JavaCC). New visitors, which subclass any generated one, can then override the default methods and perform various operations on and manipulate the generated syntax tree.