Send kill signal to all instances of a process by name (must be exact name). All signals except SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be intercepted by the process, allowing a clean exit. More information: <>.
- All systems
- Debian
apt-get install psmisc
- Ubuntu
apt-get install psmisc
apk add psmisc
- Arch Linux
pacman -S psmisc
- Kali Linux
apt-get install psmisc
- CentOS
yum install psmisc
- Fedora
dnf install psmisc
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install psmisc
- Raspbian
apt-get install psmisc
- Dockerfile
- Docker
docker run killall
powered by Commando
Send kill signal to all instances of a process by name (must be exact name). All signals except SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be intercepted by the process, allowing a clean exit. More information: <>.
Terminate a process using the default SIGTERM (terminate) signal:
killall process_name
[l]ist available signal names (to be used without the 'SIG' prefix):
killall -l
Interactively ask for confirmation before termination:
killall -i process_name
Terminate a process using the SIGINT (interrupt) signal, which is the same signal sent by pressing `Ctrl + C`:
killall -INT process_name
Force kill a process:
killall -KILL process_name
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