
Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install lightspeed
apt-get install lightspeed
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install lightspeed
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lightspeed
apt-get install lightspeed


Shows how objects moving at relativistic speeds look like

Light Speed! is an OpenGL-based program which illustrates the effects of special relativity on the appearance of moving objects. When an object accelerates past a few million meters per second, these effects begin to grow noticeable, becoming more and more pronounced as the speed of light is approached. These relativistic effects are viewpoint-dependent, and include shifts in length, object hue, brightness and shape. The moving object is, by default, a geometric lattice. 3D Studio and LightWave 3D objects may be imported as well. Best of all, the simulator is completely interactive, rendering the exotic distortions in real-time!