
toolsuite for performance oriented programmers


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install likwid
apt-get install likwid
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install likwid
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install likwid


toolsuite for performance oriented programmers

Likwid is a simple to install and use toolsuite of command line applications for performance oriented programmers. It works for Intel and AMD processors on the Linux operating system. It consists of: likwid-topology - print thread and cache topology likwid-features - view and toggle feature reagister on Intel processors likwid-perfctr - configure and read out hardware performance counters on Intel and AMD processors likwid-powermeter - read out RAPL Energy information and get info about Turbo Mode steps likwid-setFrequencies - read out RAPL Energy information and get info about Turbo Mode steps likwid-memsweeper - cleans up filled NUMA memory domains and evicts dirty cacheline from cache hierarchy likwid-pin - pin your threaded application (pthread, Intel and gcc OpenMP to dedicated processors likwid-bench - Micro benchmarking platform likwid-gencfg - Dumps topology information to a file likwid-mpirun - Wrapper to start MPI and Hybrid MPI/OpenMP applications (Supports Intel MPI and OpenMPI) likwid-scope - Frontend to the timeline mode of likwid-perfctr, plots live graphs of performance metrics