
recover files by looking for magic bytes


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install magicrescue
apt-get install magicrescue
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install magicrescue
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install magicrescue
apt-get install magicrescue


recover files by looking for magic bytes

Magic Rescue scans a block device for file types it knows how to recover and calls an external program to extract them. It looks at "magic bytes" (file patterns) in file contents, so it can be used both as an undelete utility and for recovering a corrupted drive or partition. As long as the file data is there, it will find it. Magic Rescue uses files called 'recipes'. These files have strings and commands to identify and extract data from devices or forensics images. So, you can write your own recipes. Currently, there are the following recipes: avi, canon-cr2, elf, flac, gpl, gzip, jpeg-exif, jpeg-jfif, mbox, mbox-mozilla-inbox, mbox-mozilla-sent, mp3-id3v1, mp3-id3v2, msoffice, nikon-raw, perl, png, ppm, sqlite and zip. This package provides magicrescue, dupemap and magicsort commands. magicrescue is a carver and is useful in forensics investigations.