Format and display manual pages. More information: <>.
- All systems
- Debian
apt-get install man-db
- Ubuntu
apt-get install man-db
apk add man
- Arch Linux
pacman -S man-db
- Kali Linux
apt-get install man-db
- CentOS
yum install man
- Fedora
dnf install man-db
- Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install man-db
- Raspbian
apt-get install man-db
- Dockerfile
- Docker
docker run man
powered by Commando
Format and display manual pages. More information: <>.
Display the man page for a command:
man command
Display the man page for a command from section 7:
man 7 command
List all available sections for a command:
man -f command
Display the path searched for manpages:
man --path
Display the location of a manpage rather than the manpage itself:
man -w command
Display the man page using a specific locale:
man command --locale=locale
Search for manpages containing a search string:
man -k "search_string"
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