powerful, high-performance templating for the web and beyond


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install libmason-perl
apt-get install libmason-perl
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install libmason-perl
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libmason-perl
apt-get install libmason-perl


powerful, high-performance templating for the web and beyond

Mason is a powerful Perl-based templating system, designed to generate dynamic content of all kinds. Unlike many templating systems, Mason does not attempt to invent an alternate, "easier" syntax for templates. It provides a set of syntax and features specific to template creation, but underneath it is still clearly and proudly recognizable as Perl. Mason is most often used for generating web pages. It can handle web requests directly via PSGI, or act as the view layer for a web framework such as Catalyst or Dancer. All documentation is indexed at Mason::Manual. The previous major version of Mason (1.x) is available under the name HTML::Mason (package libhtml-mason-perl).