
panorama photo stitcher - commandline tools


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install hugin-tools
apt-get install hugin-tools
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install hugin-tools
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install hugin-tools
apt-get install hugin-tools


panorama photo stitcher - commandline tools

Hugin is a panorama photo stitching program. This package includes command-line tools used by hugin and other packages for image stitching and High Dynamic Range (HDR) images: * align_image_stack - Align overlapping images for HDR creation. * autooptimiser - Optimize image positions. * celeste_standalone - Remove cloud-like control points. * cpclean - Remove wrong control points. * cpfind - Patent-free control-point detector * deghosting_mask - Creates mask for removing ghosting in images. * fulla - Correct lens distortion, vignetting, and chromatic aberration. * geocpset - Set geometric control points. * hugin_executor - CLI stitching tool. * hugin_hdrmerge - Merge overlapping images. * hugin_lensdb - Hugin lens database maintenance. * icpfind - Control-point detector wrapper program. * linefind - Detect vertical features in images. * nona - Remap images. (Also does simple stitching.) * pano_modify - Change output parameters of project file. * pto_gen - Generate a Hugin project file from a list of images. * pto_lensstack - Modify assigned lenses and stack in pto files. * pto_mask - Apply a mask. * pto_merge - Merges two or more Hugin project files. * pto_move - Move a project file with all images in it. * pto_template - Apply a template file. * pto_var - Change image variables inside Hugin .pto project files * tca_correct - Calculate transverse chromatic aberration. * verdandi - Blend images using watershed algorithm. * vig_optimize - Determine the radial vignetting.