
AllJoyn C++ run-time library


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install liballjoyn1604
apt-get install liballjoyn1604
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install liballjoyn1604
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install liballjoyn1604
apt-get install liballjoyn1604


AllJoyn C++ run-time library

AllJoyn is a collaborative open-source software framework that makes it easy for developers to write applications that can discover nearby devices, and communicate with each other directly regardless of brands, categories, transports, and OSes without the need of the cloud. The AllJoyn framework is extremely flexible with many features to help make the vision of the Internet of Things come to life. This package contains the C++ run-time library.


AllJoyn C++ run-time library

AllJoyn is a collaborative open-source software framework that makes it easy for developers to write applications that can discover nearby devices, and communicate with each other directly regardless of brands, categories, transports, and OSes without the need of the cloud. The AllJoyn framework is extremely flexible with many features to help make the vision of the Internet of Things come to life. This package contains the C++ run-time library.


AllJoyn C++ run-time library

AllJoyn is a collaborative open-source software framework that makes it easy for developers to write applications that can discover nearby devices, and communicate with each other directly regardless of brands, categories, transports, and OSes without the need of the cloud. The AllJoyn framework is extremely flexible with many features to help make the vision of the Internet of Things come to life. This package contains the C++ run-time library.