
Loads pages from MediaWiki and converts to LaTeX and PDF


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install mediawiki2latex
apt-get install mediawiki2latex
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install mediawiki2latex
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mediawiki2latex
apt-get install mediawiki2latex


Loads pages from MediaWiki and converts to LaTeX and PDF

This project provides a simple way of turning a HTML page hosted on a server into a high quality PDF version as well an its LaTeX source file respectively. Particular care has been to generate esthetically pleasing results for pages hosted on servers running MediaWiki. This project provides a simple default mode which just requires the URL to the page and creates a PDF file, by processing the HTML generated by the (MediaWiki-) server. It also provides extended possibilities giving a fine grained control over the conversion process to users familiar with LaTeX and MediaWiki. Much effort was put into providing reasonable defaults for this way of processing for the needs of the English and German Wikibooks projects. Images are also downloaded, and if necessary modified for use in a LaTeX document. The latest test run on more than 2000 featured articles on the English Wikipedia completed without failures.