
Generates initial ramdisk environments for booting the Linux kernel based on the specified preset(s). More information: <>.


All systems
Arch Arch Linux
pacman -S mkinitcpio

Generates initial ramdisk environments for booting the Linux kernel based on the specified preset(s). More information: <>.

  • Perform a dry run (print what would be done without actually doing it):
  • Generate a ramdisk environment based on the `linux` preset:
    mkinitcpio --preset linux
  • Generate a ramdisk environment based on the `linux-lts` preset:
    mkinitcpio --preset linux-lts
  • Generate ramdisk environments based on all existing presets (used to regenerate all the initramfs images after a change in `/etc/mkinitcpio.conf`):
    mkinitcpio --allpresets
  • Generate an initramfs image using an alternative configuration file:
    mkinitcpio --config path/to/mkinitcpio.conf --generate path/to/initramfs.img
  • Generate an initramfs image for a kernel other than the one currently running (the installed kernel releases can be found in `/usr/lib/modules/`):
    mkinitcpio --kernel kernel_version --generate path/to/initramfs.img
  • List all available hooks:
    mkinitcpio --listhooks
  • Display help for a specific hook:
    mkinitcpio --hookhelp hook_name

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