
GTK+ RDF editor


All systems
Debian Debian
apt-get install morla
apt-get install morla
image/svg+xml Kali Linux
apt-get install morla
Windows (WSL2)
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install morla
apt-get install morla


GTK+ RDF editor

With Morla you can manage more RDF documents simultaneously, visualize graphs, use templates for quick writing and exec SPARQL/RDQL queries. You can import RDFS documents and use their content to write new RDF triples. Templates are also RDF documents, and they make Morla easily customizable and expandable. You can embed Javascript code in your templates so you can validate and change user inputs. Morla is also a modular software so you can add functionality to the save, open and view procedures. You can also use Morla as an RDF navigator, wandering among the net knots of the RDF documents present on internet exactly as we are used to do with web browsers.